Oxytocin, trust and corruption: a systemic theory of the road to authoritarism


  • Esteban Laso Instituto Tzapopan, Guadalajara.


In this text I propose a systemic theory about the process through which societies become authoritarian. I postulate, at the micro or individual level, a triadic structure of tendencies towards others (trust, suspicion and hostility); and I link it, at the macro or social level, to a group of structural factors (inequity and distrust), triggers (social, economical or political crisis) and catalysts (presence of a caudillo with a populist discourse and authoritarian leaning).  Finally, I present some guidelines for the empirical testing of this theory.


Trust, Authoritarism, Development

Author Biography

Esteban Laso, Instituto Tzapopan, Guadalajara.

Master en Terapia Cognitivo-Social (U. de Barcelona, 2001); Master en Terapia Familiar Sistémica (Hospital de St. Pau-U. Autònoma de Barcelona, 2001); Doctor (C) en Psicología Social (U. Autònoma de Barcelona).



How to Cite

Laso, E. (2012). Oxytocin, trust and corruption: a systemic theory of the road to authoritarism. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 12(2), 69–88. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v12n2.949


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