Misadventures of education in the kingdom of psycholand: the alleged scientific support of the European Higher Education Area


  • José Carlos Loredo Narciandi Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


This paper critically assesses the discourse that justifies the latest educational reforms in European and Spanish higher education. It is presented as a techno-scientific discourse that attempts to support one of the most important current practices of subjectivity -the educational one- using a particular definition of psychology that forget the fact of the irreducible plurality of psychological practices and knowledges. This paper aims thus to make a double critical assessment. On the one hand, about the rhetorical use of psycopedagogic knowledge as scientific (indisputable) support for the reforms. On the other hand, about the assumption that there is a well definite discipline -psychology- which is unified, scientifically established and able to offer that support. The paper consider also the current socio-cultural scenario of globalization and neoliberalism as a context that makes sense, within the ideology of entrepreneurship, such use of psychology as a scientific guarantor of education reform. Special emphasis is placed on the promotion of subjectivity linked to that ideology, which requires individuals gifted with flexibility, self-monitoring skills and full responsibility for their fate.


Constructivism, Entrepreneurship, Psychopedagogy, Subjectivity

Author Biographies

José Carlos Loredo Narciandi, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Profesor Contratado Doctor de Historia de la Psicología y Fundamentos Epistemológicos de la Psicología en el Departamento de Psicología Básica I de la UNED (Madrid). Líneas de investigación: Historia y sistema de los constructivismos; tecnologías del yo y prácticas de subjetivación.

Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Profesor titular en el Instituto de Psicologia de la Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil). Su ámbito de especialización es la historia y filosofía de la psicología desde una perspectiva que recurre a conceptos de autores como Michel Foucault y Bruno Latour.



How to Cite

Loredo Narciandi, J. C., & Ferreira, A. A. L. (2011). Misadventures of education in the kingdom of psycholand: the alleged scientific support of the European Higher Education Area. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 11(3), 79–97. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v11n3.858


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