Youth, work, unemployment and identity: An social psychological approach.


  • Jimena del Carmen Gallardo Góngora Universidad Complutense de Madrid


This doctoral thesis aims to study some of the aspects of the work of young unemployed Chileans. This was done through the analysis of their “centrality” by taking into account the influence of values and concepts they have about work, in the process of their identity construction. The research was divided into two different sections. The first one is the theoretical framework, which consists of studies and analysis from a  social  psychological perspective in relation to the phenomena that come up from the main purpose of the study. For example, youth as a psychosocial phenomenon; work as meaning, centrality and psychosocial functions; Identity under a psychosocial approach as well as psychosocial effects due to the unemployment they suffer. The second section of the research is the qualitative analysis, which considers work factors regarding to young unemployed Chileans as well as the influence of such factors in the process of their identity construction.


Youth, Work, Unemployment, Identity

Author Biography

Jimena del Carmen Gallardo Góngora, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesora, Licenciada en educación, Dr. Psicología Social Universidad Complutense de Madrid



How to Cite

Gallardo Góngora, J. del C. (2011). Youth, work, unemployment and identity: An social psychological approach. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 11(3), 165–182.


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