Are you nervous? The elections from a shantytown of Great Buenos Aires


  • María Cecilia Ferraudi Curto UNSAM/CONICET


The purpose of this paper is to explore Great Buenos Aires's politics analyzing midterm elections (2009) from my ethnography in a shantytown of La Matanza under a process of urbanization. I will try to show some outlooks which are usually darkened by electoral analyses. While these researches usually focus on campaign strategies and political networks in order to explain (or predict) electoral results, the main contribution of this paper is to show how elections are generally imposed and locally appropriated from a local perspective oriented towards the urbanization of the shantytown.



Elections, Buenos Aires, Ethnography, Shantytown, Politics

Author Biography

María Cecilia Ferraudi Curto, UNSAM/CONICET

Becaria posdoctoral UNSAM/CONICET. Doctora en Ciencias Sociales IDES-UNGS. Temas de investigación: etnografía, política, sectores populares, Buenos Aires (Argentina).



How to Cite

Ferraudi Curto, M. C. (2011). Are you nervous? The elections from a shantytown of Great Buenos Aires. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 11(3), 99–118.


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