The power of social representations: M. Butterfly, the perfect woman


  • Maria Angela Silveira Paulilo Universidade Estadual de Londrina


This paper presents an analysis of the film M. Butterfly, directed by David Cronenberg, in 1993. This film is a version based on the opera Madame Butterfly, by Puccini. It aims to demonstrate the power and the strength of social representations as mechanisms for the production of meaning which allow social actors to construct, deconstruct and reconstruct the world in which they live and for which they loook for its meaning.


Social representations, Construction of meaning, Versions of the self

Author Biography

Maria Angela Silveira Paulilo, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Docente del Departamento de Trabajo Social de la Universidad Estadual de Londrina Master en Política Social y Planeamiento en Países en Desarrollo en la Escuela de Economía y Ciencia Política de Londres-LSE, Doctora en Trabajo Social en la Pontifícia Universidad Católica de São Paulo-PUC/SP



How to Cite

Paulilo, M. A. S. (2011). The power of social representations: M. Butterfly, the perfect woman. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 11(2), 215–223.


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