Imitation, opposition and innovation of social forms: Finitude and infinitude in Gabriel Tarde’s Social Laws


  • Tomás Sánchez-Criado Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


In this text I present a selection of fragments of the book ‘The social laws' by Gabriel Tarde (1843-1904), published originally in 1898 and translated into Spanish at the beginning of the 20th century. After a long time condemned to oblivion Gabriel Tarde has been reinvigorated in recent decades for the pantheon of social sciences, even reaching the point of becoming a very relevant author for Actor-Network Theory (no less than Bruno Latour has turned him into ‘ANT's ancestor'). However, I believe that the recuperation of Tarde's works could lead us to far more interesting discussions than a new mythic of ancestral figures. In this introduction I press for a more direct approach to Tarde's writings, something which might allow us to go beyond any presentist use of a historical figure to prop up a ready-made theory for mass-consumption. For this reason, I would like to propose to focus on Tarde's very own descriptions of the ‘laws' of social life, made out of -potentially infinitesimal- social forms which repeat and differentiate -something he refers as the processes of imitation, opposition and innovation-. In that vein, I would like to mention some contemporary critical appraisals of those formulations in terms of ‘laws' or Tarde's treatments of the scale of the social -where special attention is put on the relation he establishes between the finitude and infinitude of social forms-.


Gabriel Tarde, Social laws, Imitation, Opposition, Innovation, Scale, Finitude, Infinitude

Author Biography

Tomás Sánchez-Criado, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Hasta muy recientemente ha sido investigador FPU-UAM a caballo entre los departamentos de Psicología Básica y Antropología Social de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Actualmente forma parte del grupo ATIC (Acció Social i TIC) de la UOC y ultima su tesis doctoral, "Las lógicas del telecuidado", una exploración etnográfica sobre las articulaciones de sujetos, vínculos y espacios en la teleasistencia domiciliaria para personas mayores. Entre sus publicaciones puede destacarse su trabajo como editor de los libros "Técnogénesis: La construcción técnica de las ecologías humanas" (2008, Madrid: AIBR, 2 vols.) y "¿Dónde reside la acción? Agencia, constructivismo y psicología" (2009, Madrid: UNED/Murcia: Univ. de Murcia, junto con J.C. Loredo y Daniel López).



How to Cite

Sánchez-Criado, T. (2011). Imitation, opposition and innovation of social forms: Finitude and infinitude in Gabriel Tarde’s Social Laws. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 11(1), 241–254.


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