Think about and intervene in the territory through the Actor Network Theory


  • Juan E. Cabrera Université de Liege


The purpose of this article is to think about the similarities between the ways of seeing the territory as a network, some theoretical positions about the territory concept and actor network theory.
After focusing on proposing a way of understanding the relationships between actors when they will intervene in the territory through the public policies and territorial planning, i ll try to apply the ANT model of public policy management through the guidance of ANT


Territory, Territorial Planning, Management, Actor Network Theory

Author Biography

Juan E. Cabrera, Université de Liege

Boliviano nacido en 1977, estudió Arquitectura y Sociología, post graduado en planificación urbana y Master en Desarrollo Territorial.  Actualmente desarrolla su tesis doctoral en el ámbito de políticas públicas territoriales y redes en la Universidad de Liege, Bélgica mediante convenio con la Universidad Mayor de San Simón de Bolivia. 



How to Cite

Cabrera, J. E. (2011). Think about and intervene in the territory through the Actor Network Theory. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 11(1), 217–223.


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