How many devices do we need to produce one subjectivity?


  • Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro


The aim of this article is to answer some questions proposed by Sánchez-Criado about ANT and its possible metaphysical character. For that some subjects of discussion such as the concepts of agency, symmetry, the distinction between human & non-human and the nature of our self were proposed. As well as some strategic positions, trying to answer in a non-dogmatic way. So, the “solvent” character of ANT theory and a more radical theory of subjectivity production will be defended. The concepts of symmetry and the distinction between humans and non-humans will be discussed considering these positions.


Actor-Network Theory, Subjectivity, Agenciality, Human-nonhuman

Author Biography

Arthur Arruda Leal Ferreira, Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro

Post-doctor in History of Psychology (UNED/Spain). Editor of the books: História da Psicologia: Rumos e Percursos, Teoria Ator-Rede e Psicologia; e Pragmatismo e questões contemporâneas. Author in the collections: Foucault Hoje, Foucault e a Psicologia, Da metafísica moderna ao pragmatismo and Psicologia e Instituições no Brasil.



How to Cite

Arruda Leal Ferreira, A. (2011). How many devices do we need to produce one subjectivity?. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 11(1), 195–201.


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