Durkheim and Saint-Simon: The construction of the ideology of the society of the work and the new paradoxes of the late-moderns societies


  • José Francisco Durán Vázquez


The present article must like main objective interrogate itself on the sense that has the present representations of the work in the context of the productive scene of the take-modern societies of market. The analysis that sets out here interprets these representations in relation to the work of Émile Durkheim and Saint-Simon, being two of the main authors who have more contributed to forge the ideological formation of the societies of the work, like an attempt of update of the symbolic structure of these societies, in order that it continues maintaining all its integrating and legitimate load in relation to the new productive and labour realities.


Durkheim, Saint-Simon, Trabajo, Ideario

Author Biography

José Francisco Durán Vázquez

Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad de Santiago. Licenciado en CC. Políticas por la Universidad de Santiago. Licenciado en Sociología por la UNED. Doctor en Sociología por la UNED. Profesor de Francés y CC. Sociales en educación secundaria.



How to Cite

Durán Vázquez, J. F. (2006). Durkheim and Saint-Simon: The construction of the ideology of the society of the work and the new paradoxes of the late-moderns societies. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 1(9), 152–167. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v1n9.265


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