Authobiographical story and interpretation: a narrative conteption of personal identity


  • Dante G. Duero Universitat Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


In this article I analyse the role of interpretation and explanation in the field of sciences in general and in social and historical sciences in particular. I argue for the specificity of the narrative model in social and historical sciences. Then, I examine the thesis that personal identity or self is a type of autobiographic story that can show different rank of coherence and integration. Taking the proposal of different authors, I describe and I do a brief characterization of this of narrative creation and the most important element that compose its. Finally, I analyse the thesis that propose to think the psychotherapy as a place for reconstruction of the narrative production of patients for to get more coherent stories.


Explicación, Interpretación, Identidad personal, Teoría narrativa

Author Biography

Dante G. Duero, Universitat Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Realizó su doctorado en Psicología en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, sobre la formación de conceptos mentales en preescolares. Actualmente es docente de dicha universidad y realiza estudios posdoctorales sobre la temática ?Narrativa e Identidad Personal?, como becario del CONICET.



How to Cite

Duero, D. G. (2006). Authobiographical story and interpretation: a narrative conteption of personal identity. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 1(9), 131–151.


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