Critical Research: Challenges and Possibilities


  • Grupo FIC Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


The emergence of the social sciences has provided a network of technologies, knowledges, practices and discourses to regulate and govern society. The social sciences may play a central role in developing forms of social control. Modern 'knowledge societies' manage the production of scientific knowledge in a way that privileges the kind of thinking that is consistent with current hegemonic thought, and reduces the possibility of critical perspectives (Slaughter y Leslie, 1997, 2001). The social sciences are in the paradox of questioning the fundamentals of what they,in some sense, actively constitute. The development of post-fordist societies and our academic location in the belly of the beast (Haraway, 1991) prompts a reflection on the context, possibilities and forms of critical work in our present institutional circumstances. This paper considers the methodological principles and political implications of academic critical research.


Investigación crítica, Gobernabilidad, Articulación, Lo político



How to Cite

FIC, G. (2005). Critical Research: Challenges and Possibilities. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 1(8), 129–144.


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