Public opinion and the social imaginary: towards a redefinition of the 'spiral of silence'


  • Rubén Dittus Universidad Católica de la Ssma. Concepción


This article critically examines the 'spiral of silence' theory of public opinion. I examine the claims that humans possess a biological desire for peer acceptance and a fear of peer rejection, and I argue that both these claims have an essentialist connotation. I argue that an individual's 'social self-protection', which allegedly reflects the so-called fear of isolation, is better understood as an institutional reaction sustained by the mass media (which acts as the symbolic re-creator of reality), and by the emotions (which act as devices of social control). In other words, I argue that public opinion is merely a social imaginary, like the emotions or the news, elevated to the category of institution. Finally, I argue that this legitimation has been facilitated by a hegemonic discourse.


Opinión pública, Imaginario social, Emociones, Discurso

Author Biography

Rubén Dittus, Universidad Católica de la Ssma. Concepción

Rubén Dittus B. Periodista y licenciado en comunicación social. Doctorando en Ciencias de la Comunicación en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Académico de la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción en las áreas de Teoría de la Comunicación y Análisis del Discurso. Miembro del Grupo Compostela de Estudios sobre Imaginarios Sociales (GCEIS), sede-coordinadora para América Latina. Áreas de investigación: Semiótica de medios de comunicación e imaginarios sociales.



How to Cite

Dittus, R. (2005). Public opinion and the social imaginary: towards a redefinition of the ’spiral of silence’. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, 1(7), 61–76.


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