Distance and hospitality: reflexions on spatial reasoning


  • Juan de la Haba Morales Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
  • Enrique Santamaría Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


In this paper we reconsider some of the ways in which the relation between space and society has been formulated. We focus specially on socioculturally mixed urban environments. We offer a three-part critique of what we call "spatial reasoning". That is, we critique the way of conceiving space-society relations which not only eliminates the social dimension (and so obscures relations and social positioning), but also hinders the appreciation of the multiplicity of ordinary social practices of exchange, transaction, communication or hospitality - which obscures, in a word, recognition between social groups. We conclude our argument by emphasising the complex relation between distance and hospitality.


Espacio social, Razón espacial, Prácticas de conocimiento, Heterogeneidad, Hospitalidad, Distancia



How to Cite

de la Haba Morales, J., & Santamaría, E. (2004). Distance and hospitality: reflexions on spatial reasoning. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 1(5), 124–134. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v1n5.120


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