Desire's image. Psychosocial analysis of imaginary representations in television advertising


  • Andrés Almagro González Personal Investigador


This doctoral thesis aims to analyze from a psychosocial perspective social imaginary in the Spanish television spot broadcast during the months of February, March, April and May of 2007. To accomplish our objectives we have used the theoretical and methodological tools that we were more related to the nature of our object of study: the semiotics of the image and Lacanian psychoanalysis. We also took into account the complexity intrinsic to the object of study required us to some extent, to restrict the analysis to our initial theoretical approach, trying not to put aside the analytical richness that is inherent. For this last thing that has chosen to follow a methodology both quantitative and qualitative classification and analysis of spot advertising contained in the database research. On the quantitative dimension, we have been classified the 1503 television spot, reducing it to an empirical corpus of 17 ads. Once the choice of empirical material to analyze, we have proceeded to its analysis with a methodology both semiological and psychoanalytic perspectives. As a result we have obtained the finding of the use of imaginary representations as distinctive discursive strategy of audiovisual advertising text, thus marking the importance that the imagos, described by Jacques Lacan in the middle of last century, have in the development and dissemination of texts audiovisual commercial.


Imaginary, Psicosocial, Advertising, Image

Author Biography

Andrés Almagro González, Personal Investigador

Andrés Almagro González (Madrid, 1977) es licenciado en sociología y doctor en sociología, especialidad de psicología social, por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Ha trabajado como investigador en el Departamento de Psicología Social de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología de la UCM en los años 2005-2009. Actualmente es Profesor Colaborador en el mismo departamento.



How to Cite

Almagro González, A. (2010). Desire’s image. Psychosocial analysis of imaginary representations in television advertising. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, (17), 297–306.


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