What kind of education is not distance education?


  • Marcos Adegas de Azambuja
  • Neuza Maria de Fátima Guareschi Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul


The present work results from critical reflections about educational practices influenced by Information Technology (IT), in particular those which constitute the learning method known as Distance Education (DE). My purpose is both to problematize and to discuss how new understandings of space-time inspired by IT and its social effects are expressed in the production of subjectivities as result of DE practices. These problematizations are created using the conceptual tool distance, which gains visibility with the rise of this educational method in various time and places in instructor relationships. Our main focus moves beyond looking at distance in the spatial or geographical sense that IT sustains, to view distance as (temporal) duration, posing questions about time in relation to learning. We will attempt to understand the transition taking place as distance no longer occurs in space. The learning process happens in time, time which is now divorced from movement.


Distance education, Learning process, Distance as duration, Space-time

Author Biographies

Marcos Adegas de Azambuja

Psicólogo, mestre em Psicologia Social e da Personalidade pela PUCRS


Neuza Maria de Fátima Guareschi, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul

Professora/Pesquisadora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da PUCRS, coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa: Estudos Culturais e Teorias Contemporâneas.



How to Cite

Adegas de Azambuja, M., & Guareschi, N. M. de F. (2010). What kind of education is not distance education?. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, (17), 17–32. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v0n17.641


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