Analysis of psychosocial factors influencing the distribution and projection of Spanish scientific activity: report of the initial qualitative study


  • Grupo GESCIT Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona


In this first phase of a longer study, we identify a number of psycho-social factors which are affecting science in Spain: attitudes, stereotypes, prejudices, values, beliefs, and attribution processes. We also examine how these factors might help or hinder Spanish science's greater impact in the international scientific community. This study falls within the framework of the Social Psychology of Science, the main principle of which is to explain scientific work by appeal to psycho-social variables and processes. We use qualitative methods to analyse a wide sample of material gleaned from the Spanish scientific community, and report on those elements that construct and perpetuate the perceptions, images and representations of current Spanish science research.


Science, Psicosocial Processes, Representations, Ciencia, Procesos Psicosociales, Representaciones, Psycho-social processes, representations

Author Biography

Grupo GESCIT, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

GESCIT: Grupo de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Tomás Ibáñez Gracia, Miquel Domènech i Argemí, Joel Feliu Samuel-Lajenesse, Ana Garay Uriarte, Lupicinio Íñiguez Rueda, Luz María Martínez Martínez, Juan Manuel Muñoz Justicia, Margot Pujal i Llombart, Joan Pujol Tarrés Francisco Javier Tirado Serrano, Agnès Vayreda i Duran, Félix Vázquez Sixto, Cristina Pallí Monguilod.



How to Cite

GESCIT, G. (2007). Analysis of psychosocial factors influencing the distribution and projection of Spanish scientific activity: report of the initial qualitative study. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, (12), 183–239.


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