Tactics of des-subjection: Disensus, subjectivity and desire in social movements. Gender relationships in the 'Process of Black Communities' network of the colombian pacific.


  • Juliana Florez Flórez Universidad Central (Bogotá)


This work examines power relationships inside social movements taking into account subjectivity. First of all, Chantal Mouffe's proposal of reconsidering political aspects in terms of disensus (polemos) as an inseparable dimension of consensus (polis) is considered in this study. Based on it, it is pointed out that conflicts inside social movements derive not from crisis to be annihilated through cognitive strategies, but from the daily and continuous acceptance of dissent practices as an exercise accompanying the pursuit of consensus of struggle principles. Secondly, following de Certeau's distinction between tactics and strategies and Butler's notion of subjection, the concept tactics of desubjection is proposed in order to explain that disensus management requires complex practices through which people involved in a movement as activists go beyond intelligibility boundaries that limit their identity. Life histories of activists involved in the Process of Black-Community network of Colombian-Pacific are taken in this study to show the way some activist women have developed desubjection tactics to go beyond boundaries that limit their black identity, making those tactics work at service of their experiences as women. An achievement of this process was that throughout its history, the movement goes from a 'radical position towards women topics' to an 'ambiguous position towards gender' and finally to a 'broader opening for analyzing gender relationships'.


movimientos sociales, subjetividad, género

Author Biography

Juliana Florez Flórez, Universidad Central (Bogotá)

Psicóloga egresada de la Unviersidad Católica Andrés Bello (Venezuela), especialista en Cooperación y Desarrollo por la Universidad de Barcelona, Maestría y doctorado en la Unviersitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Sus temas de interés son los movimientos sociales, la subjetividad, la crítica al desarrollismo y la epistemología feminista y la ecología política. Ha sido investigadora visitante en el Institute of Latin American Studies (University of North Carolina) y el Centro de Estudios Postdoctorales (Unviersidad Central de Venezuela). Ha trabajado como docente en la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya y en las Facultades de Psicología y Ciencias Sociales de la Pontifica Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá). También como investigadora en el Instituto Pensar de esta última. Actualmente, es docente-investigadora del Instituto de Estudios Sociales Contemporáneos  de la Universidad Central (Bogotá).



How to Cite

Florez Flórez, J. (2007). Tactics of des-subjection: Disensus, subjectivity and desire in social movements. Gender relationships in the ’Process of Black Communities’ network of the colombian pacific. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, (12), 397–402. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v0n12.439


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