Rhetorical uses of public space: the discursive organization of a space in conflict


  • Andrés Di Masso Tarditti Universitat de Barcelona


In this paper I explore the discursive use of public space, understood as a rhetorical resource for localized social action. Analysing several extracts of written documents and in-depth interviews, I focus on the rhetorical use of space-formulations and constructions of people-in-place relations by social and institutional agents confronted by the physical definition of a space in conflict. The discursive work includes the rhetorical management of culturally and ideologically organized constructions of urban territoriality, argumentative uses of localized social categories and behaviour-scripts for the performance of normative patterns of coexistence in the public space, and rhetorical work on spatially rooted symbolic processes. The purpose is to contribute to a critical examination of conflictive sociospatial phenomena from a discursive approach, seeking to make visible the social tensions involved in the deliberate attempt to control and organize urban space.


usos retóricos, espacio público, discurso localizado, conflicto, Rhetorical uses, Public space, Localized discourse, Conflict

Author Biography

Andrés Di Masso Tarditti, Universitat de Barcelona

Licenciado en Psicología por la Universidad de Barcelona en junio 2004. Becario FPU en el departamento de Psicología Social. Docente en las asignaturas de psicología social aplicada y comportamiento colectivo, psicología ambiental y psicología general, ésta última en la licenciatura de Criminología. Actualmente mis intereses investigadores se centran, a nivel teórico, en la psicología social del lugar, el análisis del discurso y la epistemología, y a nivel aplicado en la intervención social en procesos conflictivos en torno al espacio público.



How to Cite

Di Masso Tarditti, A. (2007). Rhetorical uses of public space: the discursive organization of a space in conflict. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, (11), 1–22. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v0n11.335


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