Understanding Teenage Motherhood through Feminist Research: A reflection on the challenges


  • Kyla Ellis-Sloan University of Brighton


This paper draws on an ethnographic study with teenage mothers. It discusses how the research incorporated feminist political goals and ethical concerns. The paper focuses in particular on one key concern for feminist researchers, that of hierarchical power in the research setting in order to demonstrate the challenges and advantages of feminist research. A number of approaches were taken to mitigate power relationships and these are discussed and reflected upon here. The paper then goes on to interrogate the author’s position as an ‘insider researcher’. It is demonstrated here how feminist research enabled the position of the researcher to be acknowledged, analysed and critiqued thus ensuring that research which challenges conventional notions of objectivity is robust.

Paraules clau

Teenage Pregnancy, Teenage Motherhood, Insider Research, Feminist Research

Biografia de l'autor/a

Kyla Ellis-Sloan, University of Brighton

Kyla currently works as a Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Brighton. Having completed her PhD in 2012 on the experiences of teenage motherhood she continues to write in this area. She is now focusing on stigma and changes in UK support policies for young parents. She is also currently working on a project studying the effects of the current 'breast is best' discourse on women who bottle feed.



Com citar

Ellis-Sloan, K. (2014). Understanding Teenage Motherhood through Feminist Research: A reflection on the challenges. Athenea Digital. Revista De Pensamiento E investigación Social, 14(4), 129–152. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenea.1370


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