Emotions and Language


  • Simone Belli Departament de Psicologia Social - UAB


The purpose and objective of this dissertation is to understand why emotions have a strong relationship with language, and how it is possible to express these emotions through the use of Information Technology and Communication (ICT).

We have completed an exhaustive review of the literature on the subject of the relationship between emotions and language, and the relationship between emotions and ICT. Later we have focused on consolidating our theoretical framework and the development of an ad hoc methodology that has served us for the analysis of our interviews with users of call centers and cybercafes in the cities of Barcelona, Manchester and Milan.


Emotions, Language, Performance, Technoscience, ICT

Author Biography

Simone Belli, Departament de Psicologia Social - UAB

Doctor en Psícologia Social por la Universidad Autonóma de Barcelona. Actualmente es miembro del Grupo de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (GESCIT), del grupo de recerca JovenTIC y del Centro de Estudios del Discurso (CED). Los temas sobre los que trabaja actualmente son la relación que tienen las Tic con los Estudios del Discurso, y la importancia que ejerce el papel de las emociones con el lenguaje.



How to Cite

Belli, S. (2010). Emotions and Language. thenea igital. evista e ensamiento investigación ocial, (17), 307–312. https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/athenead/v0n17.714


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